Risk Management Maturity Concept
A fundamental principle is that Risk Management Maturity Gap Analysis has to be conducted primarily as a self -evaluation exercise rather than an independently imposed process.
EPIPHANY evaluation tool is premised on this fundamental principle. There are six pillars of risk maturity evaluation, each with best practice questionnaire:
– Philosophy
– Governance
– Responsibilities
– Competence
– Integrity and Ethical Values
– Resources and Systems
EPIPHANY benefits include:
- Consolidating reporting on all six pillars of Risk Maturity.
- Enabling self-assessment by key parties in Risk Management, with built-in best practice questionnaire.
- Integrating results from various respondents using laws of averages.
- Providing clear five-point scale assessment criteria.
- Enabling qualitative assessment through free commentary from key parties.
- Providing easy to read results in graphic form for each pillar, benchmarking against acceptable threshold.
- - Automating tables and graphics into a Report.
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